How's That! 9 juni 2016

Jaargang 84 Nummer 6

Clubblad Amsterdamse Sportvereniging VRA

How's That verschijnt tijdens het cricketseizoen wekelijks


Afgelopen weekend waren de weergoden VRA wederom goed gezind. Het was dan ook heerlijk om op VRA rond te lopen, zowel als speler, begeleider of toeschouwer. Wie vandaag de webcam op de VRA website bekijkt ziet zonder naar buiten te kijken dat het veld er ook voor komend weekend fantastisch bij ligt, dus ik hoop dat het goede weer van de afgelopen dagen door wordt gezet (fingers crossed!).

Het mooie weer leek op sportief niveau zijn vruchten af te werpen. Op vrijdag wisten de Zamigo's op het tweede veld een stel toeristen van de UCS Old Boys te verslaan en zaterdag was het ook raak voor de Dames tegen de HilKamp-combinatie. Zaterdag was ook al vooraf bekend dat een van onze Zami teams zou winnen (in deel 1 van de Clash of the Woods: Zami 1 vs Zami 2) en het Zaterdag Eerste Klasse team maakte korte metten met hun tegenstander.

Zaterdag had nog meer in petto, namelijk de eerste competitiepunten voor VRA 1! Uit op VOC wist de ploeg van captain Peter Borren te winnen met een fantastische team-effort. Alhoewel, niemand minder dan Adeel Raja

wist zijn stempel op de wedstrijd te drukken door 6 wickets te nemen voor 16 runs in 8.5 overs (53 ballen dus), de kers op de taart voor de 200ste Topklasse wedstrijd waarin Adeel voor VRA uitkwam. Eric Szwarczynski hield Adeel door 4 van de batsmen te vangen. Geen grote battingtotalen van onze andere helden, maar een steady prestatie van het hele team zorgde ervoor dat het totaal van 115 in de 43ste over werd gehaald.

Zondag was het in de ochtend de beurt aan de jeugd. De allerkleinsten (U9) hadden hun carrousel op Bloemendaal en hebben daar kunnen genieten van alle spelletjes en het lekkere weer. De U10 wist thuis te winnen, maar helaas was het thuisvoordeel niet voor iedereen beslissend en moesten de U12 en U14 het onderdelf spitten. De U16 kwam tegen HCC helaas 4 runs tekort om te winnen dankzij een hattrick in de laatste over! Deze 'nail-biter' was dan ook reden voor de KNCB om een artikel in de Cricket NL te plaatsen. Hieronder leest u de ontvangen verslagen van deze jeugdwedstrijden.

Dat zondag het thuisvoordeel uitbleef zoals op zaterdag werd ook bij de senioren duidelijk. VRA 2 kwam 11 runs tekort tegen Qui Vive en VRA 3 kwam een stuk meer tekort tegen VCC. De heren van VRA 4 zetten het sterke seizoen van vorig jaar door met een derde zegen uit vijf wedstrijden.

Het clubleven op VRA speelt zich uiteraard voornamelijk af op het veld, maar ook rond het veld en in het clubhuis. Dat lekker eten en drinken hierbij een belangrijke rol spelen hoef ik u niet uit te leggen. Daarom leest heb ik een aantal cricket gerelateerde recepten opgezocht, die u 'achterin' deze How's That' kunt lezen. Heeft u zelf recepten of mooie cricket gerelateerde verhalen voor een volgende How's That? Stuur deze dan door naar Alles wat voor dinsdagavond wordt ontvangen zal meegenomen worden in de meest actuele editie.

Mij rest u enkel om u een prachtig weekend te wensen en ik hoop u graag tegen het lijf te lopen op het mooiste stukje gras van Nederland (en ver daarbuiten!)

Tobias Maessen
Secretaris VRA

Wedstrijden deze week

VR 10/06 17.00 ACC - VRA U16 (away)

ZA 11/06 9.00 Kampong - VRA U14 (away)
ZA 11/06 10.00 Dames: T20 Finaledag op GroenGeel
ZA 11/06 11.00 HCC - VRA 1 (away)
ZA 11/06 13.00 VRA ZaEK - Qui Vive (home)
ZA 11/06 13.30 Kampong - VRA ZAMI 1 (away)
ZA 11/06 13.30 VRA ZAMI 2 - GroenGeel (home)

ZO 12/06 9.00 VRA U10 - ACC (home)
ZO 12/06 9.00 Olympia - VRA U12 (away)
ZO 12/06 9.00 Excelsior'20 - VRA U14 (away)
ZO 12/06 9.00 VRA U16 - ACC (home)
ZO 12/06 10.00 Bloemendaal - VRA U9 (2) (op Qui Vive)
ZO 12/06 10.00 Qui Vive - VRA U9 (1) (op Qui Vive)
ZO 12/06 12.00 VRA 2 - Groen & Wit 2 (home)
ZO 12/06 13.00 Qui Vive 4 - VRA 3 (away)
ZO 12/06 13.00 VRA 4 - Qui Vive 3 (home)

Wedstrijden volgende week

WO 15/06 18.00 Halfway Trophy VRA- Rood en Wit

VR 17/06 13.30 Zamigo's - Gray's Inn + Arup
VR 17/06 18.30 Groen&Wit - VRA Twenty20 (away)

ZA 18/06 9.00 Kampong - VRA U10 (away)
ZA 18/06 9.00 VRA U12 - Hermes
ZA 18/06 9.00 VRA U14 - VCC
ZA 18/06 9.00 VRA U16 - VCC
ZA 18/06 10.00 VRA U9 (1) - Bloemendaal
ZA 18/06 10.00 VRA U9 (2) - Qui Vive
ZA 18/06 13.00 VRA Dames - HilKamp
ZA 18/06 13.30 Hilversum - VRA ZAMI 2 (away)

ZO 19/06 10.00 VRA U10 - VCC
ZO 19/06 11.00 VRA 1 - Hermes
ZO 19/06 11.00 Oefenwedstrijd Mini Pro U13
ZO 19/06 12.00 HBS 2 - VRA 2 (away)
ZO 19/06 13.00 Eindhoven CC 1 - VRA 3 (away)
ZO 19/06 13.00 VRA 4 - Kikkers 1

VRA Ballenactie, donate a match ball!

Het loopt dit seizoen nog niet storm voor de VRA Ballenactie. Dus roep ik leden, oud-leden, ouders, opa’s en oma's op om weer eens spontaan een bescheiden duit in het sponsorzakje te doen, privé of als bedrijf. Het is een sympathieke manier om je favoriete team te supporten en het helpt de club een onvermijdelijke kostenpost te drukken. Bedenk eens wat het jaarlijks kost om voor elk team iedere wedstrijd een nieuwe wedstrijdbal te fourneren. Nou, doe eens een gok?!

Vanzelfsprekend verdienen de sponsors het om zelf ook in het zonnetje te worden gezet vanwege hun gewaardeerde bijdragen. Dit seizoen gingen u voor:

Match ball sponsors up to now:

JPh. Korthals Altes > 5/5 VRA 1 – HCC
Jaap Grootmeijer 15/5 > Ajax - VRA2
Wim de Groot > 15/5 VRA1 - Excelsior’20
Wim de Groot > 14/5 VRA Dames – Ajax
Marnix Hazeweijer > 21/5 Kampong – ZAMI2
Wim Veerman (WVVW Wielerspel) 22/5 > VRA1–QuickH
Albert Spijker > 22/5 VRA2 – ACC2
Wim de Groot > 29/5 VRA1 – ACC
Jaap Grootmeijer 29/5 > Olympia - VRA2
Wim Veerman (WVVW Wielerspel) 4/6 > VOC - VRA1
Mary Kappelle > 4/6 ZAMI2 - ZAMI1
JPh. Korthals Altes > 4/6 ZAMI2 - ZAMI1
Jaap Grootmeijer 5/6 > VRA2 - Qui Vive
Thijs Vermeulen > 11/6 HCC – VRA1
Noor Maessen-Corpeleijn en Tessie Kroes (van Hirtum) > 11/6 ZAMI2 – Hilversum
Jaap Grootmeijer > 12/6 VRA2 - Groen Wit
JPh. Korthals Altes > 24/7 VRA1 - VOC
Wim de Groot > 13/8 VRA Zami1 - VRA Zami2
JPh. Korthals Altes > 20/8 VRA Dames - HilKamp

Dus maak met een paar tientjes per wedstrijd een mooi gebaar richting je favoriete team, je vriend(in) of familie en vindt uw naam spoedig terug in dit illustere rijtje voortrekkers.

Kijk meteen in de agenda welke wedstrijden er nog te sponsoren zijn, keuze te over. En lees hier hoe het sponsoren van een wedstrijdbal in z’n werk gaat en wat het kost. Have a ball!

Benno van Nierop

Match report Zami 1 vs Hilversum, 21/5 (away)

VRA Zami 1 vs Hilversum CC in Hilversum

Op 21 mei togen wij naar het schone Hilversum. De club heeft een warm welkom tegen mogen komen bij voetbalclub Victoria (waar ze oorspronkelijk al mee getrouwd waren) en lijkt een goede toekomst tegemoet te gaan. Natuurlijk was het door de nieuwe locatie flink zoeken en duurde het even eer we compleet waren. Na een ietwat verlate gewonnen toss, gingen we batten. Het veld was net belucht en zag eruit als, met de woorden van Vitesse Trainer Bert Jacobs, een hots knots begonia veld. Hoe dan ook hadden we het daar mee te doen en gingen van start met Rier en Collignon als openers. Zij kwamen tot een partnership van 80 waarna Louis run out ging met een individuele score van 20 runs. Vervolgens moest Mike het batting schip drijvende houden. Waleed was met 3 runs veel te goedkoop. Agent 7 runs is niet wat we de laatste tijd gewend zijn. Verder single digit scores van Nix, Sanne, Tilhan en Danish. Eigenlijk te weinig. De enige nog in double digits was good old Flo met 11. Uiteindelijk dreigde mr extra de high score te worden met 53. Gelukkig werd deze getopt door Mike Rier met 59 runs. Een goede prestatie. De uiteindelijke score kwam uit op 171 runs. Niet te hoog, doch verdedigbaar.

Na een prima lunch gingen we het veld in ook nog voorzien van een sub van Hilversum: zo moet het! Dank voor het spelen in the spirit of...! Met een goede start (7 overs) van Tilhan en Danish viel het eerste wicket. Prima bowlen van Danish en een prima vang voor Louis. First change bowlers Marnix en Louis deden het goed. De run rate werd lager en Louis sloeg toe met zijn verraderlijke leggies: drie LBW's... en 2 vangen (1 van Tilhan en een prachtige reflex catch van Mike Rier) op de bowlerij van Marnix. Goed op weg naar de eerste overwinning..? Het mocht niet zo zijn: we moesten ten langen leste onze meerdere erkennen in batsman Guus van Hilversum. Met een score van 64 not out heeft hij samen met zijn maten de pot binnen gesleept in de laatste over. Met nog vier ballen te gaan gingen ze over 171 runs heen. Zo moet het zijn.. In de laatste over.. Spanning.. Lukt het wel of niet..

Het resultaat is nu bekend. Ons restte de gang naar het clubhuis en een zeer gezellige 3e innings alwaar we ingewijd werden in het oud Engelse spel: wacken! Wat dat is...? Dat moeten jullie zelf maar ervaren als jullie tegen Hilversum spelen.


Willem van Mierlo

Match report VRA 1 vs ACC, 29/5

Match Report – Round 6: VRA vs ACC

After a get-out-of-jail-free-card to rival OJ Simpson’s against Quick Haag in a washed out round 5, the Very Reasonable Athletes were hopeful that their luck had turned just in time for their much anticipated Round 6 clash with ACC. The Atletico vs Real Madrid Champions League Final the night before had served as an ideal curtain raiser for this Amsterdam derby, and served as an important reminder for the Fluffers to not get caught up in any Pepe-style antics with the opposition.

After winning the toss on a green top, Ned Gunning and Sadiqulous Mahmood had first crack at an ACC top order teeming with Zulfis. Ned struck in the first over to remove Zulfi No.1 and provide the perfect start, and with the ranga suddenly breathing fire and Sadiq hitting a length it was quickly two. When Zulfi No.2 chipped a Leon “Bionic Man” Turmaine full-toss to midwicket it was three. 3/29 quickly became 5/50 with the Zulfi toll rising, and the Fluffers could smell an early beverage in the sun. Zulfi No.4 and South African pro JP de Villiers weren’t ready to oblige though, and set about rebuilding the innings with a solid partnership.

Things were just beginning to deteriorate when Jeroen “biggest backyard in Amsterdam” Mulder angled one across Zulfi No.4 from his grandfather’s end to halt the revival, and when Papa Zulfi (No.5) was talked into taking a quick second run a Sadiqulous arm from the deep caught the Oompa short and the Fluffers were back on top at 7/124.

From then on though, it was the JP de Villiers show. The big fast bowler channelled his namesake to belt the Fluff out of the very reasonable bowlers and race to a quickfire ton, in the process bringing up the one millionth run by a South African Pro at VRA. It was a crushing blow for the Fluffers, who had looked in a seemingly unassailable position before de Villiers' chance-less innings. By the end of 50 overs ACC had mustered 9/229, which had looked a long way off at 5/50.

Undeterred, VRA openers Sachin "Usher" Peiris and Ruben van der "Ice" Berg set about the chase. The second and third best looking cricketers in Holland put on an opening partnership of 25 before both quickly fell to ACC skipper Malik's "bowling". From there on it was a one-way straat. De Villiers ripped the heart out of the middle order with a fiery spell, the highlight of which was a peach of a delivery to Zoolander that went to second slip, sparking ACC celebrations reminiscent of Ronaldo's most annoying.

When Ned was dismissed by de Villiers' first ball to him, it not only put an end to the running battle between the two fast bowlers, but left the Fluffers in a shambles at 6/50. At the same point in their innings ACC had been only 5/50, handing them a significant advantage. Mitch "PCL" Lees and Mulder put up some brief resistance but it was never going to be enough, and in the end only debutant Thijs van Nierop remained undefeated by a rampant ACC bowling attack. Fluffers all out 97.

So there it is, five losses from five and still zero points as we head into June. Next up, VOC away on Saturday. Adeel Raja returns from injury/age to finally get his 200th game for VRA after a bunch of false starts, which will provide plenty of incentive for the jongens to get across the line. VOC aren't doing too much better than the Fluffers so far this season, so this one could go to the wire as the struggling teams battle desperately for two points.

Go the Fluffers!

Mitch Lees

Match report VRA Dames vs HilKamp, 4/6 (away)

VRA ladies take on Hilkamp T20 style
Hilversum, 4th of June 2016

After last week I noticed that after winning the toss we also won the game. 
So I decided to win it again and go for a bat. 
Git and Anne had the honors of opening the batting.

The field was quite slow, still a bit wet and the bowlers were not the fastest and very very accurate so we had some difficulty getting some runs in the beginning, I ran myself out and many other types of wickets fell like played-on, bowled, caught. 
Luckily Gittie and Sally(who is all about that six, ‘bout that six, no singles and even without hitting twigs or branches) started playing the ball around. Great short singles but also lovely shots who made them run for threes and boundaries and ofcourse a six or two. Icara came in bashing the ball around after Sal, which was great to see! 
Next to this excitement there were also some injuries this game, but also some glorious moments. All of that on a 32 degrees saturday morning. Sadly Esther de Lange had to leave the field to get her finger casted at the local hospital. We wish you a soon recovery!!

We ended up getting 129-5 in the first innings, Git with a 39 not out and Sal had 55 runs.

Miss Harefan and me opened the bowling, soon we had an injury on our side miss Harefan tried to stop a ball - which she did successfully- but then her hand started bleeding and she had to walk off the field. Like a miracle our injured Maartje decided to get into the field and be in catching positions and later on boundary positions. Such team spirit <3
 Git took over Hare’s over and did such a good job at it! So happy to see her bowling and it was going so well that she bowled all her overs. She got a lovely run out too. The most nonchalant run out ever, a little around the back throw into the wicket. 
 In total we had 2 run outs, a beautiful direct-hit-run out by Anne, a showdive ALMOST catch by Katie -awesomess- Icara had a caught&bowled. She was on fire with 1-17-4, I had 1-16-4. 
Besides those lovely achievements we had in particular Titia, Katie, Lotte and ofcourse also the others shining in the field. It’s so great to see how Peter Borren’s training sessions are already showing off in the games. Now we have to get our minds straight and bowl as good in the games as we do in the nets, cause it’s just unnecessary, we should really let them run for their runs you know.

No surprise there were some nominees for the Woman of the Match, Sal her batting performance and fielding performance, Anne’s direct hit, Icara’s caught&bowled and some show dives that were performed in the field. But it couldn’t be anyone else then our lovely Git, our oiled machine off and on the field. Batting, fielding, bowling, all of it. Afterwards we had festini fruit ice, it was all we needed at this hot hot day.

Next week we play at the finals day of the T20 competition at Groen Geel. We won’t be competing for the top 4, but we will try to dominate nonetheless.

Did I actually mention we won? WE WON. Go team #winning ;) Also the men won I've heard, great weekend for VRA.

We'll be missing our new Lotte coming 3 weeks, but luckily we'll have Lot and Sjoukje and hopefully Fernande and Maartje back on the field soon.

See you all soon, the 18th of June we’ll be playing a homegame again!



Match report VRA 4 vs VCC 3, 5/6 (away)

With two wins and two losses in the first four games, VRA4 found themselves in a tricky position in the group going into game 5 against VCC3. Having comprehensively beaten Dosti in the previous game, VRA4 went into the fifth game riding high on confidence. The game was in Voorburg and the weather could not have been better. To top it all, we were offered with a rare opportunity to play on the turf wicket.

The team reached the ground well in advance and started off with a short warm-up session followed but some intensive catching and fielding drills. VCC won the toss and opted to bat first - a decision welcomed by all of us. With little experience of playing on a turf wicket, we felt bowing first would give us an idea on how the pitch behaves, and later on adapt our batting accordingly.

Ram, who has been a revelation so far this season with accurate line and length and an economy rate of less than 3, started off with a tight first over. Thapa, who was instrumental in the victory against Dosti, followed it up by a good second over. The energy on the field was quite high, with some close LBW shouts. VCC openers were cautious in their approach, but some tight bowling by VRA bowlers eventually led to one of the openers nicking one to the keeper off Ram’s bowing.

Alyan, the young left handed opening batsmen, displayed some fine batting skills. His shots on the leg side off the fast bowlers were a treat to watch. He along with Ahsan, started to build the innings with a partnership of 32 runs, but a change in bowling led to the fall of the second wicket. Awais trapped Ahsan right in front and Sohail, the official umpire for VRA4, had no hesitation in declaring the batsmen out.

Another change in bowling resulted in yet another wicket. JD was introduced into the attack and struck the first ball, luring the batsmen to drive only to edge it to the keeper. Some fine bowling by Awais and JD combined with some exceptional wicket keeping by Harpreet reduced VCC to 43 for 5.

VCC got a little partnership going for the sixth wicket, but were undone by some fine swing bowling by Nikhil. Rahul Bhat, with his crafty left arm spin bowling and smartly disguised faster ones, had no problems wrapping up the tail enders. He ended up with 4 wickets, restricting VCC to 105 in 23 overs. VRA went into the break feeling pretty satisfied with their efforts.

Needing 106 runs to win their second game in a row, VRA4 openers, Vijay and Rahul Bhat went out to bat. Vijay, who was lucky to survive a dropped chance in the first over, mistimed a pull to mid-on, resulting in the first wicket. Khaled was the next man in. Khaled and Rahul started off cautiously, not giving any chances. There was a huge appeal for caught behind when Rahul failed to connect a drive but the appeal was rightly turned down by Sohail. This resulted in some minor on-field banter. But the VRA batmen kept their cool and started to build their innings with some good running between the wickets and occasionally putting the loose balls to the boundary.

VRA was 80 for 1 at the end of the 14th over, with both the batsmen in their 30s. Rahul then decided to end the match quickly and scoring the last 26 runs in just 10 balls, once again displaying his ability to cleanly strike the ball out of the park. wicket victory for VRA. Rahul scored 62 not out and Khaled scored 30 not out, resulting in a 9 wicket victory for VRA.

Vijay Krishna

Match report VRA U16 vs HCC, 5/6 (away)

Under 16s travelled to Den Hague on Sunday looking for a 2nd win of the season against the top of the table HCC.

VRA got off to a sensational start with both the opening overs being wicket maidens...from there HCC settled with partnerships of 50 and 101 as the innings closed on 6/164. Vikram Singh finished the innings with 2/26 (6 overs) and Salman Mirza again being very economical with 1/13 from 5 overs. Special mention to Milo Fordham who injured his finger keeping early in the innings, and although passing on the gloves to Zilan Master continued as an outfielder for the rest of the innings and saved some valuable runs.

The VRA run chase got off to a rocky start losing two early wickets, but was rescued by a century partnership between Debrup Dasgupta (36) and Zilan Master (41 – including six 4s and a huge 6). With wickets in hand the equation came down to a run a ball from the last 5 overs. With tension building, the key partnership was broken and wickets started to fall...with some lusty hitting in the penultimate over from Alec Pulver (12), the final over started with just 7 runs required for victory. Hopes were raised with singles from the first 3 balls, but thoughts of victory were just as quickly dashed with the HCC leggie closing out the match with a hat-trick as the VRA batters searched for the illusive match winning boundary. HCC 6/164 - VRA 9/161.

Many positives to take from the game and the team moves into the Friday / Sunday double header against ACC with additional confidence.

Andrew Pulver

Match report VRA U14 vs HCC, 5/6

The U14 game of June 5th was against HCC played at VRA. It was a good match but was lost by VRA. HCC had some excellent bowlers and therefore a good challenge for our U14 batters. Also VRA had only 8 team members present and was therefore at a disadvantage (despite being able to borrow a fielder from the opponent) against a full team of HCC with 11 players. It was a beautiful sunny Sunday morning and the grounds of VRA were in excellent shape. All players enjoyed a well deserved lunch after the game.


Ernst Verdonck

Match report VRA U12 vs VOC, 5/6

Cricket inspired recipes

As everyone knows, lunch (or tea-time) is a very important part of our sport that contributes to the spirit of cricket. It is a time to recuperate of and reflect on the first (or both) innings that you have played the King of Sports and to engage your opponent in a social manner. At VRA we are lucky to have lunch prepared by our groundsman, but when a team member or a partner of one brings along something extra (like a cake) that adds to the whole experience.

Here are some recipes that might inspire you and your team. Please send me your own recipes or pictures of delicious things you've made for yourselves and the visiting teams.


Strawberry and white chocolate cheesecake

Preparation time: 25 minutes
Cooking time: 5 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes 30 minutes
Serves: 10

175g Biscoff Caramelised Biscuits
100g unsalted butter, melted
400g strawberries, hulled
200g bar Waitrose Belgian White Chocolate, broken into squares
2 x 200g packs essential Waitrose Creamy Soft Cheese
25g caster sugar
170ml double cream
Few mint leaves, to decorate

1. Put the biscuits in a large plastic food bag and crush with a rolling pin until finely ground. Transfer to a bowl and stir in the butter. Tip into a 20cm loose-based round cake tin with a depth of about 4cm. Use the back of a teaspoon to pack the mixture in a thin layer around the sides of the tin then press the remainder over the base.
2. Halve 250g of the strawberries and arrange over the biscuit base, cut sides face down. Chill while preparing the filling.
3. Melt the chocolate in a heatproof bowl, either over a pan of hot water (making sure the base doesn't touch the water) or in the microwave in short spurts. Stir frequently so the chocolate melts evenly. Beat the soft cheese in a separate bowl with the sugar and 2 tbsp boiling water until smooth. Beat in the chocolate and 4 tbsp of the cream. Spoon into the tin and spread in an even layer.
4. Whisk the remaining cream until just holding its shape then spread it over the filling. Halve the remaining strawberries (or slice if large) and scatter over the cream. Chill for at least 3 hours before removing from the tin. Serve scattered with fresh mint leaves.

Cook’s tip
If you don’t have the right tin, use a shallower loose-based tart tin and pile the filling up more in the centre. Alternatively, use a spring-release tin, spreading the biscuit mixture 4cm up the sides.

Lemon and stem ginger scones

This is as much of an institution as the sport itself. Make scones the centrepiece, along with sandwiches, salad and strawberries.Serve with this deliciously fruity English raspberry and honey fizz.

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Total time: 35 minutes 35 minutes
Makes: 6

225g self-raising flour, plus extra for dusting
2 tbsp caster sugar
½ tsp salt
55g unsalted butter, cubed and chilled
1 lemon, zest and 1 tbsp juice
2 tbsp chopped stem ginger
125ml whole milk, plus extra for brushing

1. Preheat the oven to 200˚C, gas mark 6. Mix the flour, sugar and salt in a large bowl. Add the butter and, using your fingers, work in until it reaches a breadcrumb consistency. Stir in the lemon zest and make a well in the centre.
2. Mix the stem ginger and lemon juice into the milk. Pour into the flour mixture and, using a knife, roughly bring together. Knead briefly and lightly to combine, then pat out on a surface to about 2cm thick. Cut out 6cm rounds using a pastry cutter – you should make 6, re-rolling any trimmings.
3. Put on a lightly floured baking tray; brush with milk. Bake for 18-20 minutes, until golden; cool. Split and spread with clotted cream, and jam or lemon curd, if liked.

Pimm's and lemonade (for senior members only!)
A true taste of summer, serve this fruity punch with fresh mint leaves, cucumber, orange and strawberries

200ml Pimm's No. 1
600ml lemonade
mint sprigs, sliced cucumber, sliced orange and strawberries, to serve

Fill a jug with ice and pour over the Pimm’s and lemonade. Give it a good stir then add the mint, cucumber and fruit.

Onze sponsors

  • Gulpener
  • Voorneman Geenen Notarissen
  • 1 & 12 Ventures